Some call them miracles. Whether you agree with the termor not, there is an enormous number of document events thatdefy any scientific explanation.Based on modern understandingof science, here are several events that just cannot be explained without the supernatural.Supernatural intervention? Events that science can't explainIn one example, a Catholic nun correctly predicted Russia's rise to power, and that a SecondWorld War, worse than the first, would erupt during the time of Pope Pious XI. This is remarkable since Pious was not even the Pope at that point! She predicted that God would be about to unleash a terrible vengeance upon the world when a great light could be seen in thenight sky all across Europe. Thislight was seen mere months before the Second World War broke out (and after the Annexation of Austria). It was soremarkable that people all across Europe were able to go outside and read newspapers in the middle of the night!In other instances, the bodies of saints have been preserved without flaw for hundreds of years. Some have tried to use modern science to achieve similar results, for example by preserving the body of Lenin in Russia, but those efforts failed after mere decades. The bodies of saints have been preserved, without human intervention, for centuries in some cases withoutany signs of decay at all. Similarly, there are numerous cases of items of clothing, blessed and used by saints, lasting throughout the ages without decay. Tests have shown that there were no artificial means used to preservethe fabrics and cloths, and yet they have stood the test of time.The followingvideoexplains these cases, as well as many others, from a religious point of view:Padre Pio, well known for his miracles, was not only able to read a person's past, but he evenhealed a woman who had been blind her entire life because she had no pupils. Science tells us that there is no way for a person to see without pupils, and yet this woman was indeed miraculously cured. Padre Pio was also known to exhibit features similar to those ofJesusChrist during the Crucifixion (wounds on the hands for example) when he would hold mass.Ultimately, it is clear that these events cannot simply be explained by scientific knowledge. That is certainly not to say that science is useless - itcertainly has its place - but everybody should be aware of the limits of scientific learning. Many of these actions clearly have a supernatural . Most religious people will attribute these actions to God or the Holy Spirit;